Julien Audiffren’s personnal webpage
Welcome to my webpage !
I am currently a Senior Researcher and Senior Lecturer (Maître assistant) at the University of Fribourg. My current research topics include Multi-Armed Bandits, Symbolic AI, Natural Language Processing (and LLMs) and ML applied to Healthcare. More details about my current research project and past publications can be found there.
I am also an enthousiastic teacher and science communicator, and more details about this can be found here
I wish you a pleasant reading !
Short Bio
I did my studies in Mathematics at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, and defended my PhD in probabilities under the supervision of Etienne Pardoux in 2011. Then, I pivoted toward Artificial Intelligence, where most of my current research is published. After my PhD, I was a postdoc for one yearat the QARMA laboratory of the Aix-Marseille University, where I worked on Kernel Theory and Multi Armed Bandits. I then moved to the CMLA, the applied mathematics laboratory of the ENS. I worked there as the lead AI/statistical researcher on multiple applied projects, mostly related to medical applications such as postural control and frailty detection. Here the projects’ objectives were prototypes to deploy in hospitals in addition to purely academic papers. Collaborating with medical doctors was a formative experience, and this is the time where I started supervising PhD students. Then I moved to Fribourg in 2019, where I pursued my research in the previous topics and started new collaborations on Natural Language Processing (and Large Languages Models) with the Xi laboratory and Computational Neuroscience with Copelab. During the past 12 years, I had the opportunity to supervise five PhD students, and to teach a wide variety of classes to different publics.